


No implementation collected under the umbrella of Human Resources management is more important or less important than any other. Although the employer is always expected to meet his legal obligations, the priorities and requirements are different in each business. When Human Resources Consultancy, which is considered as a project with a single subject, is not taken into account other implementations and processes, internal barriers are encountered in the continuation of the project and overcoming them sometimes causes great conflicts. In this case, the project often fails. Therefore, it is aimed to integrate and support the implementation of the Sustainable Human Resources approach, which is offered starting from the needs assessment, with all other processes of the company. Thus, a sustainable Human Resources Management service compatible with the company's Vision is offered.

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İnsan Kaynaklarının tüm konularında ‘Çözüm Merkezi’ hizmeti anlayışı ile Türkiye’de ilk ve tek olarak danışmanlık hizmeti vermekte olan Sentor; sunduğu bütüncül ve uzun vadeli çözümlerle işletmenin sürdürülebilirliğine önemli ölçüde katkı sağlamaktadır.

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